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You Are Not Alone

Updated: Nov 25, 2023

There is a perception that relationships pose a risk that should be mitigated by the use of additional counseling services in order to mitigate emotional or behavioral risks. In order to assist individuals in communicating effectively in their relationships, it is possible to find information about one or more specific resources that can provide them with assistance. As a result of counseling, there can be a reduction in conflicts that could lead to punishment or abuse, as well as a reduction in social and cultural influences that might influence a person’s personality. Does the relationship need to be overseen by someone? If so, who does that? A healthy relationship is characterized by two partners making equal decisions, strengthening each other in both happy and challenging times, and sharpening each other’s skills over time.

Recognizing Unhealthy Behaviors

Despite our best efforts, relationships are not inevitable with time, and people who once loved us may become controlling and possessive over time. As unhealthy behaviors emerge and intensify over time, the emergence and intensification are often gradual as opposed to sudden. As a characteristic of abusive relationships, it is common for the abusive partner to want to gain more control and power over his/her partner in order to dominate them.

Due to this, the relationship degenerates, and depression sets in, resulting in psychological illness that is not visible to the naked eye, which ultimately causes the relationship to crumble. It is not uncommon for an individual suffering from depression to experience irritability, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, and feelings of sadness and disinterest, as well as feelings of guilt. As a result, there is a temptation to think about suicide, especially when there is no way of escaping, being isolated, or expressing one’s feelings.

A relationship undergoes a number of phases. However, there are two main types of relationships: dopamine-based connections and salt-based relations. It is believed that dopamine is responsible for the feelings associated with desired effects. As a result of an intense experience, the levels of arousal and behavior caused by temperamental or transient feelings become higher. However, the brain has the potential to be disrupted by too much or too little dopamine causing a majority of mental health disorders and challenges that individuals face.

Seeking Help

When an individual with intellectual developmental disabilities and mental health disorders experiences a lack of mental wellness due to neglect or does not maintain the dopamine effect in their relationships, it is common for them to experience obsessive-compulsive feelings and to experience obsessive-compulsive behaviors. An individual who abuses or controls another engages in unhealthy behavior that can take many forms, including physical, economic, emotional, or sexual abuse. Recognizing unhealthy relationships and taking action to avoid them in the future is essential.

As a result of a lack of emotional support, people are adversely affected by fatigue, psychological distress, and chronic physical conditions; one of the most important things a person can do to mitigate these effects is to receive love, understanding, and support from people they can trust.

There are a number of ways in which a person can overcome depression, including exercise, practicing mindfulness, resting, conversing with others to learn resilient conversations, listening to music, and discovering their spirituality. It is a well-known fact that being alone is not a good thing according to the scriptures (Genesis 2:18, ESV), and there will be no doubt in a person’s mind that God will be with you; He will go ahead of a person. Leaving an individual or forsaking them is impossible for him to do. It is important not to let fear or discouragement deter a person from taking action. When people desire help, they can always count on the Lord to be there (Deuteronomy 31:8, ESV).

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